James DellaValle, MD, MBA
Board Certified Geriatric Medicine and Hospital Medicine, American Board of Family Medicine; Emergency Medicine, American Board of Emergency Medicine |
Associate Clinical Professor, Emergency Medicine Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY |
Dr. DellaValle’s practice has included a focus on rural and under-served populations, and he has served as a medical advisor and a member of the executive committee of Hands Together, working with the impoverished in Haiti for over fifteen years. A graduate of the Drexel University School of Medicine, he has been awarded a fellowship by the American College of Emergency Physicians and the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, and is also certified in ARDMS in abdominal, cardiac, and vascular ultrasound. Dr. DellaValle also serves as Medical Director of the Binghamton Fire Department and has received the Glenn Tymeson Teaching Award for Excellence in Medical Education.